Let’s Run Away

"I don't like physical activities. When I was a student, I hated PE. I don't trust myself when it comes to anything that requires physical strength.  It became worse when I joined last year's #colormanilablacklightrun and got myself into an ambulance after just a kilometer or two.   But that wasn't enough reason to convince... Continue Reading →

Strong Woman Do Bong Soon | Review

Oh I love this feeling! I can't totally explain it but it's something that makes me feel good about love and about the world in general. It's like I am walking with sunrays caressing my skin as butterflies flies around making me feel more the cool brush of air. Ah. This feeling of being in... Continue Reading →

The Sunday Currently | Volume 30

It doesn't feel like weekend because I'm not at our house. I'm here at my mother's town. Well, I wanted to see my pamangkin (niece) whom I haven't seen for months now. So my Sunday goes like this... Explaining: The featured picture. It's just a random picture I had taken out of the blue. Then... Continue Reading →

The Sunday Currently | Volume 29

It's Monday but I wanted to break the spell cast on my Sunday Currently since I just didn't post for how many weeks now. Anyway, I'm just sitting here listening to endless speeches so I might as well just blog. 😝 Explaining: The featured picture. Haha. Nothing to talk about here since the featured picture... Continue Reading →

Friday Feels | Volume 10

Hi there! Many things happened this week and I want them to be remembered so I'm writing tonight which should be every Friday, by the way, but due to time constraints, I can't remember anymore when was the last Friday Feels I wrote. Anyway, what do I feel? Let's check. Happy: Yes? Someone made me... Continue Reading →

Worn Out at its Worst

Hi. I've not been here for quite a while that I even feel like a stranger--not that I'm not a stranger in the first place--but it's like being "more stranger"... If that makes sense.  Anyway, I don't want to make my blog a corner full of rants but I can't help it. I feel so... Continue Reading →

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